Do You Know The Porosity Of Your Hair?
Do you have low, normal, or high porosity hair? 🤔
Don’t know? Well here’s how you can tell! 😆
Low porosity- Water sits on top of your hair and is never fully absorbed. Your hair cuticle is compact and it’s hard for moisture to get in. Heat from steam or dryer helps to open the cuticle so that moisture can be absorbed. Your hair requires frequent conditioning treatments and locking in of moisture to prolong styles and length retention. It’s recommended to use more moisturizing products with humectants and oils to seal moisture in.
Normal Porosity- Your hair absorbs and releases normal amounts of moisture. The hair tends to be balanced and a balanced regimen works best. Protein and moisture are essential to keep the hair strong and moisturized. The hair can become unbalanced and react if there’s not enough of one or the other. A great cleansing shampoo can help to maintain the even playing field by removing product buildup from the hair allowing moisture and protein to do its job.
High Porosity- Moisture Overload! The hair follicle is hallow and moisture is absorbed and released very easily. Hair that’s been colored or bleached tends to be highly porous due to the cuticle being degenerated. Fine, kinky hair can be overly porous as moisture can escape easily. A protein driven regimen helps to strengthen and fill the damaged cuticle to maintain moisture balance.
Perform the porosity test:
Take one strand of hair and place it in a glass of water.
Hair floats to the top- Low porosity
Hair floats in the middle- Normal porosity
Hair sinks to the bottom- High porosity